REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Jun 12, 2008

20820014 Entry- 14

The New IPhone Is Ready for Business

Apple’s iPhone was announced ready for business at an Apple technical conference in San Francisco.
The new iPhone will use a “3G,” and wireless network to transmit data about three times faster than the EDGE network it currently uses. Also it will support Microsoft’s Office software, including Word, Excel and PowerPoint; and it will have built in GPS, which allows estimating salesperson’s direction and exposing destination..
A software upgrade for the iPhone designed to make it more appealing to businesses. The software makes it possible to access Microsoft’s Exchange email over the iPhone and employs technology from Cisco to ensure that data sent between businesses and employees’ iPhones are secure. So, it requires businesses to develop their own software for the iPhone to distribute the software through Apple’s new App Store.
The business-technology leaders talked to were ambivalent about this last feature: A customers, who used Apple products were reluctant to share their internal software with Apple, which is necessary to get it into the App Store. However, Apple announced that businesses will be able to distribute soft through corporate intranets.
Details of the new service are still sketchy, so, some businesses feeling uncomfortable with employees storing corporate data on Apple’s equipment.
But Apple CEO Steve Job said that 35% of Fortune 500 companies are testing the iPhone. That’s a huge number, even if the tech departments at some of these businesses are probably just tinkering with the device
My opinion
Well, IPhone was announced ready for business. Whereas, are business companies ready for IPhone?
Apple has announced for a long time, it is producing new improved phone which makes business more comfortable, friendly and easier through its software program. I noticed this from this article to utilize or connect with IPhone corporate internal net, companies must install new service. Therefore companies are willing to connect this network?

In addition, new products and services keep consumers and launch customer loyalty but I wonder that this article says Apple consumers don’t want to store their data in this network. Probably, this is nice opportunity to Apple to get know its consumers through their network, and I don’t understand why consumers want to hide their information?

According to chapter 11 Developing new products, analyzing Iphone’s compatibility, observability , trialibility, and relative advantage I phone has high potential for sale because:
- It’s famous brand. So observability is much more noticeable than other phones. Many believe that Apple has high quality, so relative advantage is perceived it can be the best alternative, and also its GPS and own software makes it easy to try and enhance trialability
Title: IPhone is ready for business written by Ben Worthen, June13, 2008.

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