REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

May 2, 2008

20820014 Entry-8

Better online search gets Papa John`s a bigger slice.

A fresh search approach boosts online pizza orders 61%.

This article is about how Papa John`s, the first pizza chain company to offer national online ordering, remain the leader of pizza pack by refreshing their online search campaign. They knew that to keep staying in the first position, they’d have to stay top-of-mind with consumers – and that means staying on top of search results. In order to achieve their goal they have collaborated with implemented “OutSearch” solutions.
Search is one of the best, most cost-effective ways for Papa John’s to ensure hungry consumers find them first. But in early 2006, they realized their search vendor was not managing their search campaign to its full potential – new terms were not being added and term performance was not being effectively tracked. Always looking to grow and improve, Papa John’s developed and implemented a search strategy that included continual keyword evaluation and development, constant data analysis, and ongoing bid adjustments to reflect keyword performance – i.e., resulting online orders. This dynamic strategy means that Papa John’s would no longer be paying top-dollar for non-performing terms and could quickly add new terms.
First, search team focused on managing keyword bids in relation to individual keyword performance. After reviewing Papa John’s keyword portfolio, the team developed additional keywords and fresh creatives to capture opportunities that had been overlooked. As the campaign launched, the team was able to continually evaluate the performance of every term and adjust bids accordingly – removing keywords that weren’t generating sales and focusing bid dollars on the best performers.
As a result, their campaign efforts immediately improved Papa John’s search performance and ROI. In fact, from March to May, they decreased the number of search impressions by 38% while increasing the number of online orders by 61%. In those three months alone, the new search marketing strategy generated millions in online sales their previous vendor had been letting fall through the cracks.

My opinion
As, a new form of marketing communication, internet allows marketers not only build awareness of their product but also persuades and forces target consumers to make action or order products and service through well designed blogs. For company, to determine which media best reach target consumers and how much it will cost is a vital. In the case study of Papa John`s , as a online ordering company, marketing team has revealed their disadvantage successfully while set most proper key words to differ from competitors through collaboration with professional advertising network “"
Furthermore, character of the blog must be create customer value (product excellence, operational excellence, customer excellence) even though it`s appear on the first line of search. Whereas poor blogs could lead to backlash, damage customer relationship decrease customer trust, consumer loyalty and even profit.

20501034 - Entry 8

Sudoku – Otaku marketing

Once I was interested in Sudoku. I remember that I was quiet surprised that Sudoku is basically invented by Swiss mathematician and it was firstly published in American magazine. Who can imagine the name “Sudoku” is not a Japanese one. I was very interested in this and I found more information about how Japanese develop this mathematical game and take it as their own style.

This Sudoku game is started from small publish company in Tokyo. What the owner of the public company knew was the power of ‘Otaku’. So you know, ‘Otaku’ is group of people who crazy about something. They could be enthusiastic video game, idol group, camera etc. But the perception I have about Otaku is that they aggressively carry their point and eager to demonstrate their interest on the goods. This makes people overestimate the perceived awareness and demand of the goods. Finally, it forms “Network Effect (Harvey Leibenstein)”.

Besides, Otaku even participates in product developing process. So public company owner could facilitate Otaku’s creative and aggressive manpower for free. A month, thousands of Sudoku quizzes which created by Otaku are being sent to the companies and piled up. The owner hired some of best Sudoku quiz creators to work for his companies paying relative low salary in comparison with their passion and effort to create Sudoku. Now public company is making a millions if US dollar a year.

I learned that the business is becoming mutual relationship with customers. From now on, not only producing interesting goods, but also forming a great relationship with customers would be significantly important.

May 1, 2008

20501005 - Entry 8

Open Blue-sumers' Wallet!!!
: Blue-sumers = Blue-ocean + Consumers

My Opinion

Have you heard about 'Blue-sumers'?Well, it was last week I happened to know this word.This article is about 'Blue-sumers'Before I start, I am going to explain what 'Blue-sumers' means.I couldn't find which countury started using this word.I guess may be Korean started using it.Anyway, this is a mixture of BlueOcean and Consumers.This word indicates some kinds of niche market which we need to consider as Blueocean.According to this article, there seven classification of BlueSumers.
1. Gold Kids: Because today we have only one son and daughter, the industry related to those children will prosper.
2. Almost Rich: For people in their twenties and thirties who are eager to buy some luxurious products.
3. Passionate Senior: For elderly people who have enough money to enjoy the rest of their lives.
4. Married Romance: Services for married couple
5. At Home Dad: The number of men who work at home instead of wives is getting increased.
6. Family-like Care: Pats or helpers for seniors.
7. Scared Children: Especially against the sexual abusing

In addition to these seven categories, I would like to add one more thing.

That is "Heavy Korean : today many Koreans are concerned so much about their health and weight." The reason I talked about the concept 'BlueSumers' is because as a marketer when we do marketing, we need to see the niche market and take that as advantage.

I'm sure that this information will help you be a successful marketer and businessman.

"Think about What other people can think! See what other people can see!"

This is what I want to tell you today.

20820007 Entry - 8

Effects of Colors in Business

Choose carefully benefit more…

In our lectures sometimes professor talks about how colors influence customers mind and how it makes people to respond positively. I found one very informative article about this topic. As marketing managers one of the first decisions they make is how to use different colors effectively in their logo, advertisements, packaging, etc. Most people don’t know about effects of colors as physiological power. However, researchers have done many researches and determined impacts of different colors in human mind.
Some colors make us to purchase particular product or use them to decorate our homes and some of them have a negative impact on our minds. For example yellow does not used in high value product packaging because it reduces plain value of it. Also it considered as meaning “temporary” that’s why it used in taxicabs. Besides yellow not advisable for bank logos and marketing materials because they don’t want that customers feel temporary with their institution.
Red always attracts attention, stimulates buying action and used in many restaurants as decoration color but blue is not used in restaurants because it depresses appetite and make people feel nervous and cold.

White is mostly used in hospitals in order to give confidence to patients and represents everything good and pure. Pink calms people. Green is used to represent high quality but not recommended for packaging in China or France. Bright colors attract children which are primary colors with them. Teenagers respond well to shocking colors which represents their preference for something. Soft colors preferred by adults. People how are high educated with higher income more sensitive in choosing colors.

My opinion
In business it can be critical choosing proper colors in logos and packaging because every one have their own tastes and point of view. To prevent and in order to attract our main target it is very important to research about needs and responses of average target have. Also it’s seems like very little thing proper use of colors but in reality little things can cause future danger. If company made a high value product and they used not proper color for their packaging they are failing. Additionally it is important to know people’s physiology in different countries. For example it is not adequate to choose blue as package color in China because it represents immorality. But in Mongolia it symbolizes blue sky which they respond with respect to it. Whether in business or in small part of our life colors play considerable role.

Every color has a meaning

Apr 27, 2008

20400442-Entry 7

What makes Thailand so attractive!

For this week's business blog entry, I would like to share some of my experience of living in Thailand in the busines point to view; looking for what makes Thailand so attractive that the immensive number of foreigners move there.

First of all, Thailand is a tropical country, which makes it attractive for the retired people around the world who have plenty of money, time, and desire to explore something new around the world; baby boomers for instance. When I was in Thailand for my junior-high, the weather became so hot during the months of hot summer, that it was hard to walk around the city or exercise outdoor. However, in a suffocating hot weather, it is hard to find any indoor places that doesn't have air conditioners. Thailand has developed so fast and so much recently, it is not a country where people ride elephants to work.

Naturally, our discussion leads to the second factor that makes Thailand laudable place to live; High-tech city, Bangkok. Bangkok has placed itself into one of the world's biggest tourist city. Even the traffic in Bangkok often is very bad, new mono-railed train around the city in 2 minute-gap gave the city exemplary transportation system. One can also find a pleasure by looking at huge malls in the city. They are structured in a way to show off their technology to please visitors. Their sizes also are just "awe-full".

Thirdly, because of fast development of the country, they were able to both concentrate the city-centered development and to preserve their culture and historical scences.

King's Palace and Ayuthhaya are just two of worldly famouse historical cites.

Traditional markets that open along the river is also quite a thing to take a look at!

Lastly, but one of most crucial factor is international education system in Bangkok. One might find it hard to believe that Bangkok, one of the third world country has one of estimable international education system. Well established international schools draw foreign teachers to the country, and give a superior alternative for those who are hesitating to move to Thailand but worring about their children's education. Because of relatively cheap price in Thailand, luxurious facilities of private international school is not only affordable, but very tempting.

Overall cheap price, high-tech, and their serving culture based on Buddhism and divine right of kings are just few more factors that makes Thailand different than any other places.