REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Apr 27, 2008

20400442-Entry 7

What makes Thailand so attractive!

For this week's business blog entry, I would like to share some of my experience of living in Thailand in the busines point to view; looking for what makes Thailand so attractive that the immensive number of foreigners move there.

First of all, Thailand is a tropical country, which makes it attractive for the retired people around the world who have plenty of money, time, and desire to explore something new around the world; baby boomers for instance. When I was in Thailand for my junior-high, the weather became so hot during the months of hot summer, that it was hard to walk around the city or exercise outdoor. However, in a suffocating hot weather, it is hard to find any indoor places that doesn't have air conditioners. Thailand has developed so fast and so much recently, it is not a country where people ride elephants to work.

Naturally, our discussion leads to the second factor that makes Thailand laudable place to live; High-tech city, Bangkok. Bangkok has placed itself into one of the world's biggest tourist city. Even the traffic in Bangkok often is very bad, new mono-railed train around the city in 2 minute-gap gave the city exemplary transportation system. One can also find a pleasure by looking at huge malls in the city. They are structured in a way to show off their technology to please visitors. Their sizes also are just "awe-full".

Thirdly, because of fast development of the country, they were able to both concentrate the city-centered development and to preserve their culture and historical scences.

King's Palace and Ayuthhaya are just two of worldly famouse historical cites.

Traditional markets that open along the river is also quite a thing to take a look at!

Lastly, but one of most crucial factor is international education system in Bangkok. One might find it hard to believe that Bangkok, one of the third world country has one of estimable international education system. Well established international schools draw foreign teachers to the country, and give a superior alternative for those who are hesitating to move to Thailand but worring about their children's education. Because of relatively cheap price in Thailand, luxurious facilities of private international school is not only affordable, but very tempting.

Overall cheap price, high-tech, and their serving culture based on Buddhism and divine right of kings are just few more factors that makes Thailand different than any other places.

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