REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

May 1, 2008

20820007 Entry - 8

Effects of Colors in Business

Choose carefully benefit more…

In our lectures sometimes professor talks about how colors influence customers mind and how it makes people to respond positively. I found one very informative article about this topic. As marketing managers one of the first decisions they make is how to use different colors effectively in their logo, advertisements, packaging, etc. Most people don’t know about effects of colors as physiological power. However, researchers have done many researches and determined impacts of different colors in human mind.
Some colors make us to purchase particular product or use them to decorate our homes and some of them have a negative impact on our minds. For example yellow does not used in high value product packaging because it reduces plain value of it. Also it considered as meaning “temporary” that’s why it used in taxicabs. Besides yellow not advisable for bank logos and marketing materials because they don’t want that customers feel temporary with their institution.
Red always attracts attention, stimulates buying action and used in many restaurants as decoration color but blue is not used in restaurants because it depresses appetite and make people feel nervous and cold.

White is mostly used in hospitals in order to give confidence to patients and represents everything good and pure. Pink calms people. Green is used to represent high quality but not recommended for packaging in China or France. Bright colors attract children which are primary colors with them. Teenagers respond well to shocking colors which represents their preference for something. Soft colors preferred by adults. People how are high educated with higher income more sensitive in choosing colors.

My opinion
In business it can be critical choosing proper colors in logos and packaging because every one have their own tastes and point of view. To prevent and in order to attract our main target it is very important to research about needs and responses of average target have. Also it’s seems like very little thing proper use of colors but in reality little things can cause future danger. If company made a high value product and they used not proper color for their packaging they are failing. Additionally it is important to know people’s physiology in different countries. For example it is not adequate to choose blue as package color in China because it represents immorality. But in Mongolia it symbolizes blue sky which they respond with respect to it. Whether in business or in small part of our life colors play considerable role.

Every color has a meaning

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