REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Apr 25, 2008

20501005 - Entry 7

Nike, environmentally friendly marketing
@Beijing Olympic.

Original Article

My Opinion
The slogan of Beijing Olympic is "faster, higher, further." beyond these words. A global sports brand Nike adds one word 'more environmentally friendly' in order to upgrade the brand image.
As you know, China is infamous for "Air Pollution" and many types of pollution. So, several counturies including France boycotted the Olympic. Now, it is very controversial problem.
I think although China is rapidly developing country, they need to consider their environment.
Like Korea did in last decades, they are ignoring the importance of environment.
Anyway, it is good news that many componies such as Nike and Adidas try to use environmental marketing. This article is about the news that last week Nike has shown its new products developed to be good for environment and athletes. The name of product is "Swift" which is made up of polyester from abandoned uniforms and Coke PET etc. "Swift" also helps athletes to make a better record. I think Nike made a great decision. These days, one of the most important issues is 'environment' and Nike caught that! Marketing environmentally. We should consider environment even when we do marketing!! This is a trand we should catch up with.
Be a friend with Environment!!!!

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