REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Apr 11, 2008

20501034 -Entry 5

Original Article

World renowned company,
Nestle defeated in Korea

My opinion
The first moment that I read this article, I thought it would be great marketing plan. While all the companies were trying to convince that their products were better than any other products, Nestle differentiated the marketing plan. Nestle emphasized on not their product but excellence of breast milk. However, Nestle seemed to lag behind catching current trend.
When Nestle launched into Korean powdered milk market, Korea has transition era which more and more traditional home mom is becoming modern and career women. They were not as much dedicated as traditional mom. They were more concerning about their figure and beauty and have a purchase power. Generally speaking, these new generation mom chose buy the best or upper-intermediate level of powdered milk rather than give children their breast mile which is recognized bad for figure of breast. In this way, Nestle couldn’t really appeal to new generation mom who became the biggest target in powdered milk market and World renowned food company, Nestle was kicked out of market 2 years after they launched.

In this way, marketing plan should be premised on having a good grasp of current trend and proper analysis about main target. Otherwise, it’s matter of time to be kicked out.

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