REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Apr 18, 2008

20501005 - Entry 6

Party Times: Marketing Through Events
Are foreign marketers missing the boat in China with trendy parties? Culture watchers say traditional values are still important

original article

My opinion

Today, I would like to talk about 'Localization' which we discussed about in last class. We did a research about the reason why Disney failed in Paris, and we found out some reasons.
Basically, it was about the culture. Disney failed to preposition the value and understand their culture. Like Disney case, this article tells us the importance of knowing culture in order to succeed in localization. Moreover, this article is about marketing through events such as parties.
I have seen that many luxury companies such as Prada, Luis Vuitton and Gucci hosted launching parties. In that parties, many influential and rich people are invited. These events can be the ways of marketing. In addition, this article talks about another fact, 'knowing culture'.
According to this article, learning from the past and taking traditional values into consideration when marketing a product is the first lesson. For example, communal and family values are much stronger among teenagers in China than in the West.
Another factor is decorum and it applies to all cultures with a Confucian element. In this way, I think Chinese culture is similar to Korean culture. To sum up, what this article tries to tell us is the important of knowing culture. Before we do marketing, we should know and understand how they(targets) think, live and act. So that we might succeed in localization.

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