REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Apr 17, 2008

20820007 Entry - 6

‘Today’s challenge is not to let our people go but let our people know’

This article was very challenging and the title very attractive for me because I thought that how can we let our people know. It is about new ‘Ga-ga T-shirt’ and web site where you can see many familiar and not familiar faces to you. Celebrity interviewer Aliza Davidivit who interviewed Canadian Prime minister Pierre Trudeau, Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Prime minister Mayor Michael Bloomberg and other well know people is launching new website that gives opportunities to buy special T–shirts with Israel historic faces and for visitors to know about notorious heroes in Israel history as nation approach 60th birthday. Have you ever heard about these two people like Ben Gurion and Golda? For me I haven’t so I searched about these people to find out who they are. Ben Gurion is first prime minister of Israel who leaded Israel to victory in Arab Israel war and helped to build state instructions. So Davidovit purpose for creating this T-shirt and web blogs is to help young generations to get know and excite with the past. Therefore these T-Shirts are an honorable tribute to great leaders who contended to build the Jewish state. Some famous people like comedian Jackie Mason, CNN journalist Larry King and Bon Jovi keyboardist David Bryan are joining effort. Additionally one another goal for this project is to raise funds to help shattered families by terror. The site also offers blogs to honor Moshe Dayan, Ariel Sharon, Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin and others and scheduled to launch today.
My opinion
Every young generation of every nation is the future of their country. Based on this specific point the main target for this business are teenagers and students in order to give Israel teens chance to know about their country, its leaders and make sure what they did to build Israel state. I think advertisement is very attractive because Davidivit using famous people to model and promote the product and offering clear message by encoding (“Who are Ga-ga for?’) to reach the target. As chapter 17 says that as consumers becoming more skeptical about commercial we should use right media and should offer clear messages about the product. You can visit this website from today if you interested how it is looks like and if you want to buy it. It costs about $18.

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