REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

May 15, 2008

20400442-ENTRY 10

Sniff the Breeze!!

Last wendesday, we had a special lecture about the critical importance of reading the current tendency of business and consumers' preferences. The lecture was very very helpful to have such perspectives that successful marketers are to be fluctuate and fast to look forward to changes.

The article collapses with the lecture. The journal is talking about that he world's most influential headhunters have a particularly acute sense for the business trends that may already be shifting the strategy and management demands for their myriad corporate clients. What follows are just some of the perspectives they've shared about the single global business trend that will most influence corporate performance in the future.

Industry leaders will need to embrace the moral and economic principles of sustainable business to remain competitive and build successful companies, experts say. And the sustainable business and competitiveness are the ability to insight into emerging business trends.


Coca-cola was pushed away from the first place of best recognition by the world. Now, the first place is taken by the Google. IBM is no longer the world's best computer maker. Daum, Korean portal site was pushed far down by the Cyworld and Naver. These are all because previous leader companies didn't read the trend and went too long with their current marketing mix.
I think how to perform is very important, as we study in the class. However, deciding what to perform to deliver the value to the customers from the beginning is also very critical.

Scouting Emerging Business Trends; Besiness Week, by Joseph Daniel McCool, May 7, 2008

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