REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Mar 22, 2008

20820007 Entry2 Bayarmaa

The Problems with Business as Usual

Author who wrote this article is Keith McFarland a two time technology CEO also founder of McFarland Strategy Partners.

Everyone wants to succeed in their business but sometimes it goes far from our thoughts to wrong direction. When I read this article I feel something different from what I know and what I thought. To lead a company is not only making profit but also making and renewing it regularly by new strategies in order to keep it ceaseless. I understand from his examples that when people get into the routine their mind shift to neutral- they become less competitive and less adaptable which cause to loose in the business. There are 3 important questions he suggesting to evaluate your companies and avoid from hidden danger- routine. Maybe I can also apply this question strategy to my real life later. I hope it will probably work. Let’s look it together what was it !

When he was climbing near his home with his 2 friends who are good at climbing, hurt. He tried to see the reason: misunderstanding of climbers and belayer the person who holds the belay which controls the safety rope. “On belay” means that belayer can catch others in the event of a fall. “Off belay” is opposite. Injured friends believed that it was in “On belay” when he wasn’t.
Similarly, in the business when the environment of the company changes externally and internally, routines that causes problems tend to accumulate. For example company that one of the first in its industry segments to move production to China. It thinks that Chinese production is the only solution to all its problems but real was European customers. They plan to stop purchasing Chinese made products because of its company’s heavy use of coal for energy that harmful for ecology. European customers are against ecological pollution. Company thought that it was “On belay”. In the result they were the out of game.

What is the solution for our routine that causes problems? If we can’t change our thoughts according to external and internal environment we can’t succeed in our business. Smart leaders know how to manage their business appropriately. Let’s see the Talking strategy by Keith McFarland:

One way to eliminate the routine is regularly talking about new strategies. His company always makes few hours discussion of strategy together to adapt strategy all level employees and discuss how to avoid of routines. To experience it on your own company following questions will help you:

In the past 90 days, what were our three most important strategic accomplishments?
Talk only best strategic accomplishment that made company more successful.

In the 90 days, what were our three most important strategic ways we fell short of our potential?
Talk about aims that company should achieve but it couldn’t.

In the past 90 days, what are the three most important things we have learned about our strategy?
Talk about what was the advantage from the strategy.

Next time he will use not “on belay” and “off belay” but “safe” or “die”. You can also try finding routine and changing them. It can make you difference.


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