REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Mar 22, 2008

Entry-2 Oyun-20820014

Analysis on segmentation targeting and positioning (STP)
I have learned many new things about developing marketing strategies from chapter 2 . But still something was not clear in my mind and textbook information was not sufficient. So, I wanted to explore it much more, and read some article that is implemented in real life.
The article is about a major pharmaceutical firm search positioning and communicating
strategy which targets patients who would most benefit from a new drug therapy. So, they need clear, accurate, and actionable advertising campaign.
The firm collaborated to Knowledge Networks (KN) – the research company that delivers affordable, statistically valid online research through Knowledge Panel SM – to conduct a segmentation. KN’s design and approach defined three clearly elements.
1.Use of workshop and shareholder`s business needs
KN recognizes that marketing investment and communication decision are collaborative work. Therefore 1st step was to make a core project team. This team reviewed several key elements, including;
-who would use the product and targeting
-the distinct roles and responsibilities in core project team
-a formal review of info, and its survey, analytic plan
-segmentation solutions, senior management, PR, ad agency etc.
2. Getting Science right
KN used a technique that would support “visible” elements including demographics and other criteria used to reach targets with the intangible needs such as needs, attitudes, and concerns. To distinguish consumer needs and enhance the quality they highlighted the benefit of treatments( no upset stomach, fast acting, fewer doses). In addition, KN has provided more information such as intermediate health needs, lifestyle, and beauty advices. This resulted groups of consumers who have same needs, attitudes and benefits, yet within different between segments. The segments were richer, truer to life and easier to find.
3 . Choosing a representative data source.
It`s essential to choose right representative data source to increase firm`s opportunities. KN is the only nationally representative internet panel. Knowledge Networks helped its pharmaceutical partner attain actionable results. KN attained the right mix of input and quality data by providing a rich understanding of behaviors and emotional elements.
My opinion
As a consequence of successful STP , a firm can increase its strategic opportunities. I think this pharmaceutical firm could determine their segmentation and targets successfully. And know they should consider market positioning well. They should target several group people who are difficult to reach online, but who could pronounce treatment needs.


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