REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Mar 19, 2008

2. The Era of Superpremium Water

Original Article

Florida businessman Jeff Moats plans to sell a superpremium water brand, Equa in luxurious restaurants. His marketing plan is to emphasize on purity. They said “Equa is from Amazon rainforest. Amazon rainforest is probably the last place in Earth that holds boundless mystery and mystique.”

Looking around what’s going on here
Once I had an opportunity to have a meal in luxurious restaurant in Seoul. When I sat down, waiter came and he handed over water list. I was surprised seeing menu that is only for the water. On the list, there were various premium water brands from Norway, France. He even explained the tastes of water. The price of a glass of water is from 6,500 to 10,000 won. Later, I noticed he is water sommelier who evaluates the taste of various waters and recommends for customer. ‘Water Café’ that sells professionally only water is booming. Why is high premium water brand getting so popular.

Why is high premium water brand getting popular?
In my opinion, the reason why people are finding finest water brand might be mainly three things, growing awareness of environment, well-being, people’s purchasing power. They learned how harmful polluted water could be it but they don’t want to be harmed by that. Therefore, they are finding absolutely pure water. Increasing the number of people who have purchasing power is one of the factors. I believe those three things accelerate the demands of premium water brand.

The way of winning in water business

As I mentioned before, people expect absolute purity from the premium water. In this sense, Equa focuses on just purity. They emphasize on they made Equa with the water form the Amazon rainforest where people feel exotic and mysterious and might be pure. While the most dominant competitor, Norwegian brand Voss is manufacturing their water from Europe, producing water from
Amazon could be regarded as new approach. To establish high quality water brand, design of bottle is critical as well. Equa’s bottle doesn’t have a lot of detail, it simple and just looks like rain droplets. You probably feel comfortable seeing Equa's bottle because there are not many letters, colors or pictures. Again, emphasize on purity. Hence, success would depense on how well they deliver the purity of their product to their target customers through advertisement and promotion.

Student ID : 20501034

Business week
Chosun Ilbo

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