REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Mar 27, 2008

20820014 Entry-3

If you paint the town red what do you paint everything else?
It`s one of the motto of Pepsi`s new brand Tava. According to the chapter 2, we learn developing marketing strategies. So, I want to search how to use STP and growth strategies in reality.
Pepsi-Cola North America is bringing out fruit flavored and caffeine free
soft drink named Tava. The main attraction of the product is it is not contain significant source of calories from trans fat, saturated fat, cholesterol dietary fiber, vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium and iron.
The decision by the North American division of Pepsi-Cola, the new brand is introduced by online or its own website ( to reach targeted consumers. The target is at age 35-49 men and women. According to their strategy “This consumer spends significant time online, although what they do may differ from the younger consumer. They’re not I.M.-ing their friends; they’re looking at e-mail or looking up information about travel, music, food. The target spends significant amounts of time online every day.
In addition, the online aspects of the campaign extend beyond local markets. The Web sites on which the Tava ads are to appear include AOL,, CitySearch,,, Evite, MSN,, People and
Moreover to reach more, decision makers turned to agencies like Tribal DDB Worldwide, the interactive unit of DDB Worldwide, part of the Omnicom Group; TracyLocke, an Omnicom shop that aimed at promotions through Omnicon advertising agency. The campaign is targeting eight major markets where consumers seem to appreciate soft drinks. They are Boston, Chicago, Denver, Los Angeles, Miami, New York, Seattle and Raleigh, N.C.
The vice president of Pepsi-Cola North America said “To build trust between a consumer and a brand, people need to feel they’re sharing it with other people instead of a corporation pushing it down on them. The goal is to have people experience the product on their own terms and turn them into brand ambassadors.
My opinion
Product development strategy is one of the growth development strategies which offers a new product or service to a firm`s current target market. I have learned following things from this article.
1. New product must have strong competitive advantage to be succeed.
2. Positioning is vital to reach targeted consumers. In this case they use 2 strategies: online and shopping.
3. Firm must encourage consumers to promote their brand as a “ambassador”.

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