REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Apr 2, 2008

20501034 - Entry 4

Original Article

Since financial crisis occurred, sale of mid-low price toothpaste has been substantially growing and expensive whitening toothpaste is now lag behind. Consumers have needs of the toothpaste that is effective and cheap.

Scale of toothpaste market has been gradually shrinking. Reasonable consumption culture has been settled and consumers wanted mid-low price product rather than pricy product. Therefore, Aegyoung made mid-low price toothpaste which can be used by whole family.

The product name, 2080 means that 2080 keep your 20 healthy teeth until you are 80. They made product name with number and it appealed to new generation group.

It was developed for whole family. It contains fluorine which protects carious teeth of child. To appeal younger generation, they enhanced whitening effect, foul breath removal effect. In addition to this, it has some components that prevent the elder for having gum disease.

In comparison with it’s competition model; Medi-dent total (Pacific), it’s 40% cheaper and 20% cheaper than Perio (LG). With its competitive price, it satisfied the consumer’s needs which were changed facing financial crisis.

Using distribution chains that locate all around in Korea, Aegyoung aggressively started to sell 2080.

Aegyoung supports “the 2080 healthy teeth campaign” that is co-run by Korean Dental Hygiene Association. Aegyoung also try to enhance their name value through consistent TV commercial and media advertisement and emphasizes that 2080 have been awarded “1998 and 1999 hit product.”

Present Status
8 months after dental clinic 2080 toothpaste was on the sale, it has 7% market share of toothpaste. If we look at the market share according to demographics, you will see that it has preference from broad range of age group. (20’s 14.9%, 30’s 8.3 %, 40’s 12.7%, 50’s 8.2%) It could be regarded as the most successful toothpaste for such short period of time.

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