REBUILDERS! will be called Repairer of Broken Walls, Restorer of Streets with Dwellings....
Isaiah 58:12

Apr 4, 2008

20820007 Entry - 4

China: Top in tourism, too?

China is the country of rich story and culture which attracting many tourists all around the world. According to statistics 132 million people visited China last year and spend 42 billion dollars making it 4th most visited country in the globe. The World Tourist Organization is expecting that it will be no.1 by 2015. Since Beijing won in 2001 to host Olympics it is estimating to welcome 820000 people during it. Compare to Olympics 2000 in Australia it is 2 times more number of visitors. Tourism revenue will be about $183 billion showing growth by 18% up. Many hope that in August it will be busy days for tourist business. The boom will be in the all industries from guest houses to luxury accommodations.

For example, Super 8 Franchise first opened its hotel in 2004 in capital is going to double its location in China. In January it became a member of the Olympic Village Accommodation Service Management Team which is only hotel that won that honor. Many hundred of employees work for it in the Olympic Village where athletes and coaches will stay getting many various services such as restaurant reservation, check mail and others. Also there will be available 11000 luxury high class rooms in the Ritz- Carlton Hotel. Now it has a 2 in the Beijing, one in Guangzhou and first hotel in Shanghai which opened in 1998. It keeping in the secret how much they will earn in revenues but many other hotels already reserved for the 17 days of the Olympics. They will charge from 3 to 10 times their price. As a result it will bring long term economic growth in China.

My opinion

Since China won to host Olympics this year it is a tremendous opportunity for Chinese to promote their rich history and culture to whole globe. Just wining this honor made China known to entire world that every one wants to go China to see Olympics even Beijing’s hotel already reserved due to it. Every one says these days “one world one dream.” Therefore all industries especially tourism industry will rapidly reach high rate of revenue as they expecting to welcome large number of visitors. Also economic growth will be long term. I saw some products in the Internet that represents Olympics in China which means chinese businessmen really sensitive about environment in where they are making business

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